Tag: Social Capital

  • The Upswing by Robert Putnam

    See: List of Books by Robert Putnam and Robert Putnam Research Notes about the Upswing by Robert Putnam (via Google Bard): Sure, here is a summary of The Upswing: How America Came Together a Century Ago and How We Can Do It Again by Robert Putnam and Shaylyn Romney Garrett: The Upswing is a book…

  • Measurement of Social Capital

    See: Concept: Social Capital Notes about measurement of Social Capital as developed by Christian Grootaert and Thierry Van Bastelaer (via ChatGPT): Christian Grootaert and Thierry Van Bastelaer are renowned scholars who have contributed significantly to the field of social capital research. They have developed innovative methods for measuring social capital, aiming to quantify and understand…

  • Concept: Bridging Social Capital

    See: List of Concepts and Concept: Social Capital Notes about Bridging Social Capital as described by Robert Putnam (via ChatGPT): Bridging social capital, as described by Robert Putnam, refers to a form of social capital that exists between individuals or groups from diverse backgrounds or social categories. Putnam, a prominent sociologist, introduced the concept of…

  • Concept: Bonding Social Capital

    See: List of Concepts and Concept:Affinity Notes about Bonding Social Capital as conceptualised by Robert Putnam (via ChatGPT): Bonding social capital, as described by Robert Putnam, is a form of social capital that refers to the connections and relationships between individuals who share similar identities, backgrounds, or affiliations. Putnam, a prominent sociologist, introduced the concept…

  • Concept:Affinity

    See: List of Concepts and Concept: Social Capital Affinity refers to the willingness of an individual to work towards the betterment of his community, without expecting a clear and measured reward in return. The more Affinity that the members of a Community have on average, the more likely they are to pass the Open Fridge…

  • The Network State by Balaji Srinivasan

    See: Community Building Reading List Notes about the Network State by Balaji Srinivasan (via Google Bard): Sure, here is a summary of The Network State by Balaji Srinivasan: The Network State is a book by Balaji Srinivasan that explores the potential of new technologies to create new forms of governance. Srinivasan argues that the internet…

  • Concept: Value Alignment

    Value alignment is the most important thing that aspiring community builders need to ensure. See: List of Concepts and Concept: Values See also: Arrow’s Impossibility Theorem

  • Individual Authors and their books

    See: Community Building Reading List This is a compilation of the notable scholars who have written one or more books in the field of Community Building:

  • List of Books by Robert Putnam

    See: Robert Putnam Research and Concept: Social Capital Here are the list of books by Robert Putnam:

  • Cormac Russell on Asset Maps, Community Development and the Role of Institutions

    See: List of books by Cormac Russell and Concept: Asset Based Community Development Notes on Cormac Russell on Asset Maps, Community Development and the Role of Institutions (via ChatGPT): Cormac Russell is a renowned advocate and practitioner of community development, and his views revolve around empowering communities to take charge of their own well-being and…