Tag: Research

  • Bilsky and Janik on Human Values

    See Concept: Values Notes about Bilsky and Janik on Human Values (via Google Bard): Sure. Wolfgang Bilsky and Michael Janik are two psychologists who have conducted extensive research on human values. They have proposed a theory of human values that is based on the idea that values are organized into a circular structure. This structure…

  • Sam Harris’ views on Values

    See: Concept: Values Notes about Sam Harris’ views on Values (via Google Bard): Sure, here is a summary of Sam Harris’ views on values: Harris’ views on values have been controversial, but they have also been influential. His work has been praised by some for its rigor and clarity, while others have criticized it for…

  • Concept: The role of Institutions per the ABCD scholars

    See: Important Institutions in relation to Community Building and Concept: Asset Based Community Development Notes about the role of institutions as per the proponents of Asset Based Community Development (via ChatGPT): Certainly! I apologize for the confusion. Here is a summary of the views of proponents of Asset Based Community Development (ABCD) on the role…

  • Life Values Inventory

    See: How to find your core values? Notes about the Life Values Inventory method (via ChatGPT): The Life Values Inventory (LVI) is a self-assessment tool used to identify an individual’s personal values. It helps individuals gain a better understanding of their core beliefs and priorities in various areas of life. The LVI consists of a…

  • Portrait Values Questionnaire (or PVQ-21) by Milton Rokeach

    See: How to find your core values? Notes about Portrait Values Questionnaire (or PVQ-21) by Milton Rokeach (via ChatGPT): The PVQ-21 (Personal Values Questionnaire-21) is a measurement tool developed by psychologist Milton Rokeach to assess an individual’s personal values. It aims to capture the core beliefs and priorities that guide a person’s attitudes and behaviors.…

  • Measurement of Social Capital

    See: Concept: Social Capital Notes about measurement of Social Capital as developed by Christian Grootaert and Thierry Van Bastelaer (via ChatGPT): Christian Grootaert and Thierry Van Bastelaer are renowned scholars who have contributed significantly to the field of social capital research. They have developed innovative methods for measuring social capital, aiming to quantify and understand…

  • List of Books by John McKnight

    See: Community Building Reading List and Concept: Asset Based Community Development Here is a list of books by John McKnight: See also: Community: The structure of belonging by Peter Block which heavily draws on concepts put forward by John McKnight.

  • The evolution of cooperation by Robert Axelrod

    See: Community Building Reading List Notes about the evolution of cooperation by Robert Axelrod (via Google Bard): Sure, here is a summary of The Evolution of Cooperation by Robert Axelrod: The Evolution of Cooperation is a book by political scientist Robert Axelrod that explores the conditions under which cooperation can emerge in a world of…

  • Concept: Human Stack

    See: List of Concepts The Human Stack is derived from Edward Hall’s model of the Cultural Iceberg. The key concept behind the Human Stack is that while there are certain observable characteristics of people at the visible level which we refer to as “above the waterline” there are also characteristics and traits of people which…

  • The Harvard Study of Adult Development

    See: Concept: Belongingness Notes about the Harvard Study of Adult Development (via Google Bard): Sure, here is a summary about the Harvard Study of Adult Development: The Harvard Study of Adult Development is one of the longest-running studies on human development in the world. It began in 1938 with 724 participants, and it is still…