Tag: Community Asset Maps

  • Concept: Community Skill Banks by Jim Diers

    See: Neighbour Power by Jim Diers and List of Concepts Notes about Community Skill Banks by Jim Diers (via ChatGPT): Community Skill Banks, as conceptualized by Jim Diers, are innovative platforms that promote community engagement, empowerment, and collaboration. Jim Diers, a renowned community organizer and author, has been a strong advocate for building vibrant and…

  • List of Books by John McKnight

    See: Community Building Reading List and Concept: Asset Based Community Development Here is a list of books by John McKnight: See also: Community: The structure of belonging by Peter Block which heavily draws on concepts put forward by John McKnight.

  • List of books by Cormac Russell

  • Asset Based Community Development by Cormac Russell

    See: Concept: Asset Based Community Development See Cormac Russell Research Notes about Asset Based Community Development by Cormac Russell (via ChatGPT): Cormac Russell’s book, “Asset Based Community Development,” is a comprehensive exploration of a transformative approach to community building and development. The book challenges traditional deficit-based approaches that focus on problems and needs within communities…