Tag: books

  • Beyond Culture by Edward Hall

    See: Community Building Reading List Notes about Beyond Culture by Edward Hall (via GoogleBard): Sure, here is a summary of Beyond Culture by Edward Hall: Beyond Culture is a 1976 book by the American anthropologist Edward T. Hall. In the book, Hall argues that culture is a complex system of unwritten rules that govern our…

  • Concept: Human Stack

    See: List of Concepts The Human Stack is derived from Edward Hall’s model of the Cultural Iceberg. The key concept behind the Human Stack is that while there are certain observable characteristics of people at the visible level which we refer to as “above the waterline” there are also characteristics and traits of people which…

  • List of books by Clay Shirky

  • Individual Authors and their books

    See: Community Building Reading List This is a compilation of the notable scholars who have written one or more books in the field of Community Building:

  • List of Books by Christian Welzel

    See: Community Building Reading List and Christian Welzel on Emancipative Values

  • List of Books by Robert Putnam

    See: Robert Putnam Research and Concept: Social Capital Here are the list of books by Robert Putnam:

  • List of Books by Ronald Inglehart

    See: Community Building Reading List Here are some books written by Ronald Inglehart:

  • List of books by Cormac Russell

  • Concept: Asset Based Community Development

    See: Asset Based Community Development by Cormac Russell See: Community: The structure of belonging by Peter Block Notes on Asset Based Community Development (via Google Bard): Asset-based community development (ABCD) is a methodology for community development that focuses on the strengths and resources of a community, rather than its needs. This approach to community development…

  • Freedom Rising by Christian Welzel

    See: Community Building Reading List and Christian Welzel on Emancipative Values Notes about Freedom Rising by Christian Welzel (via ChatGPT): “Freedom Rising” by Christian Welzel is a groundbreaking book that explores the concept of human freedom and its impact on societies around the world. Welzel, a renowned social scientist, presents a comprehensive analysis of how…