Tag: Belongingness

  • Moai in Okinawa

    See: Concept: Belongingness and Concept: Value Alignment Notes about the Moai in Okinawa (via Google Bard): Sure. Moai are social support groups that form in Okinawa, Japan. They are typically made up of five people who meet regularly to provide each other with emotional, financial, and practical support. Moai are often lifelong, and they can…

  • The Harvard Study of Adult Development

    See: Concept: Belongingness Notes about the Harvard Study of Adult Development (via Google Bard): Sure, here is a summary about the Harvard Study of Adult Development: The Harvard Study of Adult Development is one of the longest-running studies on human development in the world. It began in 1938 with 724 participants, and it is still…

  • Dr. Robert Waldinger on the Saad Truth, The Harvard Study of Adult Development or the importance of relationships

  • List of Concepts

    Here is a list of concepts referred to repeatedly in this blog, which we believe that an aspiring community builder will benefit from: See: Concept: Values See: Concept: Value Alignment See: Concept: Human Stack See: Concept: Inherent Value/Benefits See: Concept: Social Capital See: Concept: Belongingness See: Concept: Open Fridge Test See: Concept: Core Tribe See:…

  • Tribe by Sebastian Junger

    See: Community Building Reading List and Concept: Belongingness Notes about Tribe by Sebastian Junger (via Google Bard): Sure, here is a summary of Tribe by Sebastian Junger: Tribe: On Homecoming and Belonging is a book by Sebastian Junger that explores the human need for connection and belonging. Junger argues that we are wired for tribe,…

  • Research on Belongingness Theory by Roy Baumeister and Mark Leary

    See: Concept: Belongingness See: Christian Allen’s views Belongingness theory, developed by Roy Baumeister and Mark Leary, seeks to explain the fundamental human need for social connections and the sense of belonging. According to this theory, humans have an innate and powerful motivation to form and maintain strong, positive relationships with others. The theory proposes that…

  • Find Your People: Building Deep Community in a Lonely World by Jennie Allen

    See: Concept: Belongingness and Fundamental books on Community Building Notes about Find Your People: Building Deep Community in a Lonely World by Jennie Allen (via ChatGPT): “Find Your People” is a book written by Jennie Allen that explores the importance of community and the power of finding genuine connections in our lives. The book offers…

  • Concept: Belongingness

    See: List of Concepts See book: The Art of Community by Charles Vogl See book: Find Your People: Building Deep Community in a Lonely World by Jennie Allen See research: Research on Belongingness Theory by Roy Baumeister and Mark Leary See book: In the Name of Identity: Violence and the need to belong by Amin…

  • Charles Vogl’s Research

    See: The Art of Community by Charles Vogl Notes about Charles Vogl’s views on communities (via ChatGPT): Charles Vogl has a profound understanding of communities, community building, and community leadership, as outlined in his work. His views emphasize the importance of purpose, shared values, belonging, and inclusive leadership in creating thriving communities. Vogl emphasizes that…