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Concept: Human Stack
See: List of Concepts The Human Stack is derived from Edward Hall’s model of the Cultural Iceberg. The key concept behind the Human Stack is that while there are certain observable characteristics of people at the visible level which we refer to as “above the waterline” there are also characteristics and traits of people which…
The Harvard Study of Adult Development
See: Concept: Belongingness Notes about the Harvard Study of Adult Development (via Google Bard): Sure, here is a summary about the Harvard Study of Adult Development: The Harvard Study of Adult Development is one of the longest-running studies on human development in the world. It began in 1938 with 724 participants, and it is still…
Concept: Arrow’s Impossibility Theorem
See: Social Choice and Individual Values by Kenneth Arrow and Concept: Value Alignment
Dr. Robert Waldinger on the Saad Truth, The Harvard Study of Adult Development or the importance of relationships
List of books by Clay Shirky
List of Books by Christian Welzel
See: Community Building Reading List and Christian Welzel on Emancipative Values
List of Books by Ronald Inglehart
See: Community Building Reading List Here are some books written by Ronald Inglehart:
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