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  • Concept: Core Tribe

    See: List of Concepts and Concept: Target Audience Pyramid The Core Tribe of a Community is perhaps its most valuable asset. Core tribes of successful communities will likely have high Value alignment (see: Concept: Value Alignment). For this reason, it might not be surprising that it will take a long time for the Core Tribe…

  • Concept: Target Audience Pyramid

    Concept: Target Audience Pyramid

    Author’s Note: This post is cross-posted from this link. This is the segmentation. Segmentation according to geography (which is moot in a digital world) and demographics (which is moot in a diverse world where decisions are taken based on values rather than plain utility) does not work. You have to identify those who care for…

  • Traits of a social entrepreneur

    In his book How to Change the World: Social Entrepreneurs and the Power of New Ideas by David Bornstein, the author identifies a few traits. Notes about traits of a social entrepreneur according to David Bornstein (via ChatGPT): According to David Bornstein, a renowned author and journalist focusing on social innovation, social entrepreneurs possess several…

  • Concept: The Identity Stack

    See: The Network State by Balaji Srinivasan and Concept: Human Stack In his book, the Network State, Balaji Srinivasan introduces the concept of the Identity Stack. The main principles behind the Identity Stack are (1) people have various components as a part of their identity; (2) everyone is patriotic about something; (3) without a tribe…

  • List of Books by John McKnight

    See: Community Building Reading List and Concept: Asset Based Community Development Here is a list of books by John McKnight: See also: Community: The structure of belonging by Peter Block which heavily draws on concepts put forward by John McKnight.

  • The Network State by Balaji Srinivasan

    See: Community Building Reading List Notes about the Network State by Balaji Srinivasan (via Google Bard): Sure, here is a summary of The Network State by Balaji Srinivasan: The Network State is a book by Balaji Srinivasan that explores the potential of new technologies to create new forms of governance. Srinivasan argues that the internet…

  • The evolution of cooperation by Robert Axelrod

    See: Community Building Reading List Notes about the evolution of cooperation by Robert Axelrod (via Google Bard): Sure, here is a summary of The Evolution of Cooperation by Robert Axelrod: The Evolution of Cooperation is a book by political scientist Robert Axelrod that explores the conditions under which cooperation can emerge in a world of…

  • When Cultures Collide by Richard Lewis

    See: Community Building Reading List Notes about When Cultures Collide by Richard Lewis (via Google Bard): Sure, here is a summary of When Cultures Collide by Richard Lewis: When Cultures Collide is a book by Richard Lewis that explores the cultural differences that can lead to misunderstandings and conflict between people from different countries. Lewis…

  • Concept: Cultural Iceberg

    See: Beyond Culture by Edward Hall and List of Concepts Notes about the Cultural Iceberg by Edward Hall (via Google Bard): Sure, here is an explanation of the Cultural Iceberg: The Cultural Iceberg is a model of culture developed by Edward T. Hall in his book Beyond Culture (1976). The model compares culture to an…

  • Beyond Culture by Edward Hall

    See: Community Building Reading List Notes about Beyond Culture by Edward Hall (via GoogleBard): Sure, here is a summary of Beyond Culture by Edward Hall: Beyond Culture is a 1976 book by the American anthropologist Edward T. Hall. In the book, Hall argues that culture is a complex system of unwritten rules that govern our…

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