List of Concepts

Here is a list of concepts referred to repeatedly in this blog, which we believe that an aspiring community builder will benefit from:

See: Concept: Values

See: Concept: Value Alignment

See: Concept: Human Stack

See: Concept: Inherent Value/Benefits

See: Concept: Social Capital

See: Concept: Belongingness

See: Concept: Open Fridge Test

See: Concept: Core Tribe

See: Concept: Target Audience Pyramid

See: Concept:Affinity

See: Concept: Citizenship (as per Peter Block)

See: Concept: Bonding Social Capital

See: Concept: Bridging Social Capital

See: Concept: Cultural Iceberg

See: Concept: Counterfeit Communities

See: Concept: Asset Based Community Development

See: Concept: The Identity Stack

See: Concept: Community Skill Banks by Jim Diers

See: Concept: Arrow’s Impossibility Theorem



