Category: Culture

  • “Culture’s Consequences: Comparing Values, Behaviors, Institutions, and Organizations Across Nations,” by Geert Hofstede

    See: [[concept: Values]] and [[concept: Culture]] Notes about “Culture’s Consequences: Comparing Values, Behaviors, Institutions, and Organizations Across Nations,” by Geert Hofstede (via ChatGPT): Geert Hofstede’s 2001 paper, titled “Culture’s Consequences: Comparing Values, Behaviors, Institutions, and Organizations Across Nations,” is a seminal work in the field of cross-cultural research. The paper builds upon Hofstede’s earlier work…

  • Building Communities from the Inside Out: A Path Toward Finding and Mobilizing a Community’s Assets by John Kretzmann and John McKnight

    See: List of Books by John McKnight and Community Building Reading List Notes about Building Communities from the Inside Out: A Path Toward Finding and Mobilizing a Community’s Assets (via ChatGPT): “Building Communities from the Inside Out: A Path Toward Finding and Mobilizing a Community’s Assets” is a renowned book written by John P. Kretzmann…

  • Moai in Okinawa

    See: Concept: Belongingness and Concept: Value Alignment Notes about the Moai in Okinawa (via Google Bard): Sure. Moai are social support groups that form in Okinawa, Japan. They are typically made up of five people who meet regularly to provide each other with emotional, financial, and practical support. Moai are often lifelong, and they can…

  • List of Books by John McKnight

    See: Community Building Reading List and Concept: Asset Based Community Development Here is a list of books by John McKnight: See also: Community: The structure of belonging by Peter Block which heavily draws on concepts put forward by John McKnight.

  • When Cultures Collide by Richard Lewis

    See: Community Building Reading List Notes about When Cultures Collide by Richard Lewis (via Google Bard): Sure, here is a summary of When Cultures Collide by Richard Lewis: When Cultures Collide is a book by Richard Lewis that explores the cultural differences that can lead to misunderstandings and conflict between people from different countries. Lewis…

  • Concept: Cultural Iceberg

    See: Beyond Culture by Edward Hall and List of Concepts Notes about the Cultural Iceberg by Edward Hall (via Google Bard): Sure, here is an explanation of the Cultural Iceberg: The Cultural Iceberg is a model of culture developed by Edward T. Hall in his book Beyond Culture (1976). The model compares culture to an…

  • Beyond Culture by Edward Hall

    See: Community Building Reading List Notes about Beyond Culture by Edward Hall (via GoogleBard): Sure, here is a summary of Beyond Culture by Edward Hall: Beyond Culture is a 1976 book by the American anthropologist Edward T. Hall. In the book, Hall argues that culture is a complex system of unwritten rules that govern our…

  • List of Books by Christian Welzel

    See: Community Building Reading List and Christian Welzel on Emancipative Values

  • List of Books by Ronald Inglehart

    See: Community Building Reading List Here are some books written by Ronald Inglehart:

  • Freedom Rising by Christian Welzel

    See: Community Building Reading List and Christian Welzel on Emancipative Values Notes about Freedom Rising by Christian Welzel (via ChatGPT): “Freedom Rising” by Christian Welzel is a groundbreaking book that explores the concept of human freedom and its impact on societies around the world. Welzel, a renowned social scientist, presents a comprehensive analysis of how…